Alcohol Beverages (35)
Best selling Best selling
  • Hunter's Dry 440ml Can
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    Hunter's Dry 440ml Can
    R 97.25

    Get summer braai-ready with Hunter's Dry Cider. Refreshing with a crisp apple flavour, this beverage is perfect for a braai with friends, family gatherings, picnics, sundowners, and more.

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    R 174.99

    Gordon's Gin is the world's best-selling gin. It has received four Royal Warrants as well as a flurry of international gin prizes. Since their inception, they have been exporting gin all over the world earning...

  • Carling Black Label 500ml 6 Pack
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    Carling Black Label 500ml 6 Pack
    R 82.25

    From sports stadiums to humble at-home braais with friends, this is the beer of champions.

  • Ballantines Whisky 750ml
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    Ballantines Whisky 750ml
    R 275.99

    Milk chocolate, red apple, and vanilla notes mingle together to give life and liveliness to this mild, slightly sweet whisky that has a lovely crisp aftertaste.

  • Amstel 440ml Can
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    Amstel 440ml Can
    R 87.99

    The distinguished ancestry of Amstel Lager began in 1870 with a friendship dedicated to developing a better beer. Since then, Amstel has set the bar for consistently high-quality and defined premium beer in South Africa....

  • 24x Windhoek Draught 500ml can
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    24x Windhoek Draught 500ml can
    R 409.00

    Kick back and enjoy a Windhoek Premium Draught Beer, crafted for easy sipping and socialising. Made with only malted barley, hops, and water, it offers a clean and pure taste.

  • 24x Stella Artois can 410ml
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    24x Stella Artois can 410ml
    R 358.20

    With 600 years of brewing heritage, this Belgium beer has a pilsner style, with a glowing gold colour and exceptionally clear liquid, displaying its premium qualities. Pair this golden beer with a braai or just...

  • 24x Hunter's Dry 440ml Can
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    24x Hunter's Dry 440ml Can
    R 389.00

    Get summer braai-ready with Hunter's Dry Cider. Refreshing with a crisp apple flavour, this beverage is perfect for a braai with friends, family gatherings, picnics, sundowners, and more.

  • 24x Heineken 500ml can
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    24x Heineken 500ml can
    R 449.99

    Savour Heineken Pure Malt Lager Beer, known for its refreshing clarity and balanced richness. Crafted from pure malt with distinctive yeast, it offers fruity notes and a smooth, mildly bitter finish in every sip.

  • 24x Carling Black Label 500ml Pack
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    24x Carling Black Label 500ml Pack
    R 329.00

    From sports stadiums to humble at-home braais with friends, this is the beer of champions.

  • 24x Amstel 440ml Can
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    24x Amstel 440ml Can
    R 351.96

    The distinguished ancestry of Amstel Lager began in 1870 with a friendship dedicated to developing a better beer. Since then, Amstel has set the bar for consistently high-quality and defined premium beer in South Africa....