Alcohol Beverages (43)
Best selling Best selling
  • Heineken 500ml can 6 Pack
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    Heineken 500ml can 6 Pack
    R 112.50

    Savour Heineken Pure Malt Lager Beer, known for its refreshing clarity and balanced richness. Crafted from pure malt with distinctive yeast, it offers fruity notes and a smooth, mildly bitter finish in every sip.

  • Savanna Dry 500ml NRB 6 Pack
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    Savanna Dry 500ml NRB 6 Pack
    R 127.50

    Enjoy the cool, crisp taste of a dry cider, served chilled on a hot sunny day.

  • Jameson Select Reserve 750ml
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    Jameson Select Reserve 750ml
    R 549.00

    Jameson Select Reserve Blended Irish Whiskey offers a rich blend of butterscotch, fudge, and creamy toffee aromas. Its palate features nutty notes with smooth spice and vanilla sweetness. The finish is rich with toasted wood...

    Sold out
    R 56.49

    An award winning double distilled, crisp and pure classic dry gin distilled with genuine Italian juniper berries for absolute purity and quality.

  • Durbanville Hills Collectors Reserve 750ml
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    Durbanville Hills Collectors Reserve 750ml
    R 156.49

    A Chenin Blanc White Wine unique to the Cape region yet embracing everyone with its intense combination of flavours. The perfect balance of fruit, sugar and acid from its vineyards, infused by the cool Atlantic...

  • Stella Artois can 410ml
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    Stella Artois can 410ml
    R 89.55

    This premium Belgian pure malt lager has found a keen following in many countries, including - of course - its native Belgium.

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    R 174.99

    Gordon's Gin is the world's best-selling gin. It has received four Royal Warrants as well as a flurry of international gin prizes. Since their inception, they have been exporting gin all over the world earning...

  • Amarula Cream 750ml
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    Amarula Cream 750ml
    R 160.00

    A smooth and luxurious liqueur born of the marula fruit of sub-Equatorial Africa. Hand harvested and distilled for your drinking pleasure as an African delight!

  • Extreme Apple Ale 440ml 4 pack
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    Extreme Apple Ale 440ml 4 pack
    R 93.99

    This apple-flavoured energy ale has hints of raspberry and is fortified with caffeine and taurine for energy. It's 5% alcohol, so it's the perfect party drink.

  • Old Buck Dry Gin 750ml Bottle
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    Old Buck Dry Gin 750ml Bottle
    R 158.00

    Superior quality, purity and strength. A classic dry gin that gives a gorgeous release of clean juniper with cleanliness heightened by some zesty citrus. The perfect sun downer.

  • Amarula cream 1L
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    Amarula cream 1L
    R 210.00

    Locally made, this beautiful liqueur, made from perfectly ripened marula fruit, is an original and delectably creamy delight that is not only affordable but versatile enough to enjoy in a variety of ways.

  • 24x Brutal fruit Litchi seche 500ml
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    24x Brutal fruit Litchi seche 500ml
    R 435.00

    Catch up with friends on the weekend with a litchi séche sparkling spritzer infused with apple, white blossom and peach flavours. Enjoy it chilled from the can, or pour it into a glass with ice.